Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Reading classic challenge for beginners

I have joined Classic reading challenge for beginners, 2014. As only 4 months have left, I decided to read 5 books.

  1. Little Women – Mary Louisa Alcott
  2. Wuthering Heights - Emilie Bronte
  3. Great Expectations – Charles Dickens
  4. Adventures of Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain
I am yet to decide the 5th book


  1. You have made a good choice.
    My favourite among these is Tom Sawyer. Even now whenever I see someone painting a fence, I am reminded of Tom Sawyer and how he hoodwinked his friends to get it painted.

  2. Wow. Those are some great books. You're definitely expanding your mind with those choices. I'm impressed.
